Equalities National Assembly

Thu, Dec 12, 07:00 PM

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About the event

At our Spring Conference I told you that we all walk in quite different shoes, my path is very different to the paths walked by others. I also made it clear that I would not be dictating our Equalities Policies, nor would I be handpicking members to create policy.
Equality is for all, which means every member has a right to be involved.
As such I am delighted to announce I will be hosting an ALBA Equalities National Assembly on Thursday 12th of December and would love for you to be part of it! It’s a chance to discuss how we can create a more inclusive and fairer Scotland for everyone.

It is the members who make ALBA and your thoughts, ideas and input into creating policy would be appreciated and extremely valuable.
I hope you can join me

Suzanne Blackley

Equalities Convener 

Please RSVP by noon on the 12th to receive the link to attend

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