
Alba demand Scottish and UK Governments act to Save Grangemouth

BOTH the UK and Scottish Governments will share the responsibility for the closure of Grangemouth Oil Refinery, say Alba Party.

Alba Party Depute leader Kenny MacAskill was joined by former First Minister Alex Salmond and dozens of activists today as they continue their fight to save Scotland’s only oil refinery from closure.

Activists were addressed by Grangemouth Shop Steward Tam Rafferty, who thanked them and Alba Party for their support before they headed out to conduct a mass leafleting exercise across the local Larbert area to ask members of the public to sign the petition to Save Grangemouth.

Speaking to activists Mr Stewart said:

“Everyone at the plant is well aware of Alba’s campaign. I’d like to thank you so much for raising awareness of the plight facing the workforce at Grangemouth, it is truly appreciated. Please keep up the fight, we cannot let the refinery close and lose all the highly skilled jobs that will go with it”

In both the Scottish and UK Parliaments, Alba Party have been the only political party calling for Government intervention to ensure that Scotland’s only oil refinery is not allowed to close. Alba say that Grangemouth is a strategic national industrial asset presently and that it will be vital for the success of an independent Scotland.

Commenting ALBA Party Depute leader Kenny MacAskill MP said:

“This campaign will only continue to gather momentum and we will continue to stand with the workforce and ensure that Grangemouth does not go down without a fight.

“Scotland’s oil must be refined in Scotland. Both the UK and Scottish Government’s must act - as an immediate priority - to save Grangemouth from closure.

“As the Proclaimers said yesterday, It can’t be ‘Grangemouth No More’.

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