Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will be able to find the answers to any frequently asked questions that may pop up. If you can't find an answer to the question you were looking for, feel free to get in contact with us here and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
I am starting to think that just asking for permission from Westminster may not work. What else can we do?
Simply asking Westminster for a referendum has never and will never work. Following the SNP's winning of a majority in the Scottish Parliament in 2011 under the leadership of Alex Salmond, the then First Minister understood that the only way to get Westminster to agree to a referendum was to make the granting of a Section 30 Order the least painful option for them. This tactic led to the complete handing over of control of the franchise and timing of the referendum to the Scottish Parliament.
Following Alex Salmond's resignation, the SNP leadership changed their tactics, ruling out any referendum that Westminster had not agreed to, effectively handing Scotland's soveriegnty over to the Conservative & Unionist Party in London.
Ever since ALBA's formation in 2021 we have put forward a wide range of strategies to progress Scotland's cause and bend Westminster to the will of the people of Scotland. You can read our full independence strategy here.
For ALBA, Scotland's right to self-determination is more than just an electoral slogun or a guarentee of a hefty cheque for the next five years, it's the reason for our existence. For so long as a hundered ALBA members remain, it always will be.
Are you wanting to find out what we stand for?
ALBA has a wide range of policies that are voted on by our membership at ALBA Conferences. You can have a browse through our policies here.
Local Authority Campaign Unit
The ALBA Party has various Local Authority Campaign Units all over Scotland. These are based on your local council areas. You can find the contact details for the ALBA LACUs here.
If you are unsure what LACU you are in, you can type your postcode in here to find out.
Are you looking to volunteer to help ALBA in our campaign to regain Scotland's independence?
The first place to start is to volunteer on the ALBA Website, you can do this here. This means we will be able to contact you when we are looking for volunteers in your area.
You can also get in contact with your LACU. You can find the details of the ALBA LACUs here.
Every contribution will help us in pursuit of Scotland's independence.
If you are looking to donate to the ALBA Party, you can set up either a one time payment or a recurring payment here.
What should I do if I have not been receiving ALBA Party emails or emails from my ALBA LACU?
If you are not reveiving emails from ALBA it is likely that your email provider is sending our communications to your 'spam' folder. You should check there first to see if that is the case and if it is, make sure you move our emails to your inbox so that your provider knows that will want to see these in the future.
If you do not see any ALBA Party or ALBA LACU emails in your 'spam' folder, please contact us here and we will make sure that you are on the mailing lists.
Have you joined the ALBA Party and have not received your membership card?
Membership cards are dispatched weekly. If you have not received your card it may be due to an error with the address we have on file for you. You can check and edit your address by going to "Your Account" and then selecting "My Details" on our website.
If your address is correct, then please send a message via our Membership Contact page here.
I want to make sure that my membership is still active and I would like to know what my membership number is.
ALBA Members can check that their Membership is active by going to their ALBA Dashboard when they are logged in on the ALBA website. There they will also be able to see their membership number.
I would like to change my membership payment from recurring card to a driect debit, is this possible?
Yes! You can change your ALBA Membership payment detials by going here.
I have forgotten my ALBA Party password, how can I reset it?
You can change your password for the ALBA Party website by going to "Your Account" and then selecting "My Details" on our website.