Supporting Parents & Children
Protecting the Future
The Scottish government has issued guidelines to local authorities which includes controversial material including sex education and surveys on sexual habits and lifestyles.
Parents have been excluded from the decision process. The legal guardian’s rights have been infringed and this is an abuse of power by the Scottish government and local educational authorities.
Parents should be fully informed of the teaching materials before controversial subjects are taught to their children. They should also be able to refuse permission for such material to be taught to their children.
The ALBA Party hold several concerns surrounding this issue -
Parents are being excluded from exercising their rights to protect their children from explicit material.
Some children may not be mature enough to be exposed to certain sex education teaching materials.
Parents have the right to prevent controversial or in appropriate material from being given to their children.
ALBA are committed to support Parents Rights including Mother's and Father’s rights to protect their children from potential harm, and only age-appropriate educational materials being used by teachers in schools. We also believe that Parents should be included in the process of producing controversial sex education material before explicit material is given to their children.
We therefore urge the Scottish Government to must withdraw its guidelines covering Sex Education and Sexual Surveys without delay. They must also direct local councils to contact parents for consent before such material is distributed or used to teach their children. The Scottish government should withdraw any sex education materials if parents have not been given advance notice of.