ALBA Party’s Council Tax Freeze Policy helps young people
Commenting on a proposed freeze to Council Tax next year that ALBA Party campaigned for, Alba Party Youth Co Convener Christina Hendry says that the move will be a boost to young people.
Ms Hendry has responded to claims that the freeze will only help “better off” households by stating that “sadly many Labour politicians don’t seem to understand what life is like for young working people.”
ALBA Party Youth Co-Convener Christina Hendry said:
“ALBA Party campaigned for a Council Tax Freeze and we are pleased that one has been announced. ALBA were the only Political Party in Scotland that supported a Council Tax freeze. Ironically it seems that the only party in Scotland that are outright opposed to a Council Tax Freeze are the SNP’s Green Coalition partners.
“I’ve heard many say that a Council Tax freeze only helps the “more better off households” but this is detached from the reality of everyday life for young people. Young people are already paying sky high rents or have mortgages that have risen to unaffordable rates. A young couple with kids may well have decided to invest their earnings into a “bigger house” but that doesn’t mean that they then have a large disposable income also.
“The Council Tax freeze will keep money in household pockets, that means more money for families to spend when every other bill is going up and it means more money staying in local communities to help support local economies, which in turn often sustains local employers and protects jobs.”